Interpretation for Interviews: How to Choose the Best Mode

Interpretação para Entrevistas: Como Escolher a Melhor Modalidade | Blog OPUS Traduções

Have you realised the importance of interpretation for interviews? If not, check out the post!

We constantly receive foreign guests to participate in fairs, meetings, exhibitions, technical visits, tributes, television programmes, etc.

And when an interview arises, what should we do?

Receiving foreign guests to participate in events is a common practice. When the need for an interview with these guests arises, the choice between simultaneous and consecutive interpretation is crucial for success, significantly impacting the quality and effectiveness of communication.

By considering the available equipment, the time, and the context of the interview, it is possible to determine the most suitable mode.

In this article, we will explore the differences between simultaneous and consecutive interpretation and help you determine the best option for your needs.

OPUS Traduções 2024

On that day, we translated (for the interviewer and the interviewee) using the consecutive interpretation mode. Since it was a recorded interview and subsequently edited, this mode fitted very well.

However, you may have seen other foreigners being interviewed on TV with simultaneous interpretation. Haven’t you?

In an interview, both modes of interpretation apply, depending on the goal, the work equipment, and the time available to conduct and translate the interview.

Consecutive Interpretation in Interviews

Consecutive interpretation is ideal for recorded interviews that can be edited later. In this method, the interpreter listens to the interviewee and, after a pause, translates for the interviewer. This allows for more precise and detailed translation.


  1. Allows for corrections and edits.
  2. Greater accuracy in translation.
  3. Ideal for recorded TV programmes and videos that require clarity.

Common Applications:

  1. Job interviews.
  2. Recorded television programmes.
  3. Market studies and research.

Simultaneous Interpretation in Interviews

In contrast, simultaneous interpretation is used when the interview is broadcast live. The interpreter translates in real-time while the interviewee speaks, ensuring that communication is quick and efficient.


  1. Real-time communication.
  2. Maintains the flow of the interview.
  3. Ideal for live broadcasts.

Common Applications:

  1. Live radio and TV programmes.
  2. Streaming platforms.
  3. Dynamic and interactive events.

Choosing the Right Mode

The choice between simultaneous and consecutive interpretation depends on several factors:

Available Equipment: Simultaneous interpretation requires specific equipment, such as headphones and microphones, while consecutive interpretation can be performed with fewer technical resources.

Time Available: If the interview is recorded and there is time for editing, consecutive interpretation may be more suitable. For live broadcasts, simultaneous interpretation is essential.

Context of the Interview: Formal or technical interviews may benefit from the accuracy of consecutive interpretation, while dynamic and live interviews require the speed of simultaneous interpretation.

How Can OPUS Translations Help?

OPUS Translations offers simultaneous and consecutive interpretation services for various situations, ensuring clear and effective communication between interviewer and interviewee.

With experienced and trained interpreters, OPUS ensures that your interviews are successful, regardless of the chosen mode.

Talk to us to determine the best type of interpretation for job interviews, exchange programmes, radio and TV shows, market research, focus groups, advertising campaigns, and other situations.